He’s Alive, pt. 5
The resurrected Jesus said this during the forty days during which He repeatedly showed Himself to His followers. We are in the annual anniversary of those days right now...

He’s Alive! pt. 4
There could be some good arguments against the truthfulness and believability of the Bible record of the bodily resurrection of Jesus...

He’s Alive! pt. 3 — Seal the Deal
For Jesus’ opponents, something still wasn’t right! There was an uneasy feeling in the air that everyone could sense. The Jesus who some claimed...

He’s Alive! pt. 2
There are many reasons to believe Jesus rose from the grave on the third day of His death.
For instance, He was seen by...

He’s Alive, pt. 1
Jesus was dead – no heartbeat, no breath, no brainwaves, no metabolism, no talking, walking, blinking, feeling, or thinking. For Jesus, all that had completely left this world...

Weird But True
If you read the Gospel of Mark, chapter 5, you will come across one of the weirdest things I have ever read in the Bible...

The Healthiest One in the Room
You have certainly heard the expression, “the smartest person in the room.” Somehow a certain person in the meeting gets a reputation for being able to...

Being the parents of school aged children, my wife and I find ourselves telling our kids that, “It’s ok to ask for help.” Usually, this comes in response to frustration or...

The Easy, the Difficult: Faith Does Them Both
Faith completes the easy, repetitive duties of life. It also passes the very difficult, once-in-a-lifetime tests...

Facebook Creep
In Bible days, it was not acceptable for men to visit women alone in the women’s houses. Frankly not today either, not for a Christian. It was a societal norm that was...

Holy Bread
Ok, I’ll admit it. I jumped in on the bread baking trend that started during the pandemic, and I’ve learned some things from it. In its essence, bread is four ingredients...

Asleep at such a Time?
It goes without saying, Jesus’ earthly ministry was continuously filled with non-stop activity! Every waking moment seems to have been filled with His explaining...